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Friday, May 14, 2010

Art for the sake of Art

I have had the idea for a long time, to create a place in which people of all ages could come and take low-cost art education classes....a place that artists and craftspeople could network and sell their art work and handicrafts.....a place where the working artist could help support themselves while inspiring creativity in their community...a place where handmade is honored and respected...a place where craftspeople are not competing with products that are made overseas! 

Well this place has been started! It is called Artefactory Exchange and classes start June 14, 2010. 

We have gotten a partial website up and running and you can see what we have accomplished in just a short span of time.  Go to to see a list of current art education classes that we have available.

If you are reading this and find this interesting, we are also looking for talented artists and craftspeople to teach classes or sell in our gallery.  We plan to have a Bi-Annual Handicraft Fair in the future and will let you all in on the details when we have them.

One of our classes is a kids class for 8 to 12 year olds.  This class will focus on abstract art and design...the project will specifically explore the work of Wassily Kandinsky.  Pictured to the left is an example of his style done by a kids class.
Adult classes will feature Metal Smithing, Jewelry Beading, Pencil Drawing, Pottery, Precious Metal Clay, Painting Techniques, Fiber Arts and more!  We feel with all of the cuts to our art programs, Artefactory Exchange is a way to help the community....a private enterprise for the public good.
Artefactory Exchange is located at 111 Madison St. Oneida, NY.

Monday, May 10, 2010

How was your Mother's Day?

My Mother's Day started at 4:30am with my black furry little dog making her small high pitched noise she makes right after jumping off my bed.  Now this noise doesn't wake me up, it is actually the noise of her jumping down off my bed that awakens me.  I wake up right after she jumps and then I wait to hear if she is going to make that noise that almost sounds like a question ok I jumped off the bed... I am not sleeping any more, so aren't you going to get up and take me outside so I can go potty?

I thought that once my child hit a certain age sleeping through the night on most nights a given, but sometimes these furry children don't follow the rules!

I definetly love my child and my furry child, but can't a mother get a full nights sleep on the eve of Mother's Day! 
Well I did get up a little later than usual so that was good.  I exercised and ate my breakfast then we were off to my Mother's to have an earlier dinner with my family.  Dad cooked and cleaned up so that the three mothers didn't have to.....what a nice father, husband, and son in law he is! 

We stuffed ourselves and conversed for a while then my daughter and I chauffered our grandmother/great grandmother home. All in all it was a good day to be somebody's mother!

I hope you had a good Mother's day too.    It is the little things in life that matter!