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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Confessions of an amateur baker

Just so you know I am not a baker by profession, I kind of just fell into this because of my 12 year old daughter's desire to learn how to bake and have a business where she could make a little money.

I am a Skin Therapist or you may know the professional term used.... Licensed Aesthetician.  I have my own  practice where I live here in upstate NY.  It is called All About You and you can find my website by clicking:

The reason I bring this up is simple, there are many organic and natural foods out there that can be used as an effective skin care treatment and regimen.  So I thought since we have recently been exploring pumpkin in our baking adventures that I would give you all a recipe for a pumpkin facial mask.

Pumpkin Facial Mask Recipe:
You can buy canned pumpkin...the very same kind that you would make a pumpkin pie with or you can use fresh pumpkin.  Pumpkin is rich in vitamins.... especially vitamin A.  It will help to soften and exfoliate your dry winter skin and it smells good as well. 

1/2 Cup of pumpkin
2 Tbsps. honey
1 Tbsp. of milk
1/8 of a banana peeled and mashed
 If you have an allergy to milk or milk products omitt the milk
*optional ground almonds---omitt if allergic to nuts
For skin only.

1. Mix all ingredients together.  You can leave the mask out for a little while for it to become room temperature.

2.  Apply to your face avoiding contact with eyes.

3. Leave on for about 10 minutes.  Wash off with warm water. Follow with your favorite moisturizer.

4. Have a little fun and put it on while soaking in a bath.

I hope you try this and pamper yourself a little.  Tell me how you liked it.

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